Social Responsibility
Precot is one of the top cotton mills in India. As we strive to deliver the best quality to our clients, we also understand the importance of giving back to the society. Our CSR activities revolve around environmental responsibilities and philanthropic responsibilities.
Environmental Responsibilities
As a part of our environmental responsibilities, we follow sustainable practises. Our manufacturing units are powered by green energy obtained from natural gas and wind mills. Also, we use bio mass boiler that reduces carbon dioxide emission by up to 675 tonnes per year. We also have an effective effluent treatment plant with a capacity to purify up to 850,000 litres per day. The treated water is used for landscape irrigation.

Philanthropic Responsibilities
As a part of our CSR activities, we also provide funds for student ‘s education. We take care of the education expenses of the children of our workers and staff. Precot also offers educational funding for other meritorious and deserving students, apart from our staff ‘s children.